
GTO (B Stock)


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SKU: GTO 9520-028B

The GTO is Guthrie Trapp’s signature overdrive. Inspired by a Nashville favorite, the old Nobels ODR-1 with a few extra tricks

4 in stock



The GTO has a tight bottom, less gain and more cut in the mix. It can go from super mild to a really nice, dynamic OD feel. This pedal has compression but in a great way. You can use it as a clean boost and EQ or you can bring in the dirt.

Level – Interactively controls the overall output. The more gain, the louder it will become so you have to use the two in conjunction

Gain – Controls the gain level but also creates compression and feel. It blends with the clean signal so you can really find interesting sounds

Accent – Controls the cut through the mix, the top end and the bite

Warmth – Controls the bottom end but is also very interactive with the Accent control. You can really fatten up the mids but use the accent to keep it from getting woofy

4.00″ x 2.30″

9 volt Negative tip adaptor and a 5.5mm x 2.1mm jack.

10mA current draw

9 volt Battery

True Bypass


Additional information

Weight 1 lbs